Certificate in Spiritual Direction
On-Site and Virtual Programs - In the Catholic Traditions
Each here are based within a University, Parish, Retreat Center, Religious or an Independent Organization
Graduate Certificate / non-academic credit Certificate / Diplomas
two levels of certificate training programs
Graduate level at a university with prerequisites of a Masters (30-36c + ) in a related subject to the foundations of those classical studies related to spiritual theology offered full time with 18 graduate credits.
Non university: Requirements to be a practicing Catholic, have been under spiritual direction or will go under during studies, possible requiring the Spiritual Exercises completed before or during, and where the program offers introductory and supplementary materials, usually in a 2 year part time with one week on site. May or may not need an undergraduate degree.
What does a Spiritual Direction Certificate Curriculum Contain ( or should)
Nature and Purpose of Spiritual Direction
Art of Accompaniment
The Practice
Catholic Spirituality - History
Traditions – Carmelite, Benedictine, Franciscan, Augustian, Ignatian
Christian Tradition of Prayer
Foundations and Practices
Spiritual and Mystical Traditions
Stages of Prayer
What happens in prayer
The Human Person
Christian Anthropology
Human Development
Psychology at the Intersection of Spiritual Direction
Introduction to Counseling
The Spiritual Life
Spiritual Development
Discernment of Spirits
The Catholic Tradition
Biblical Theology
Sacramental Theology
Moral Theology/Practical Theology
Interpersonal Communication Skills
Role Playing- Case Studies – group identity
Life of virtue and service, shame, resilience, resistance, sacramental imagination
Post Certificates Programs
Directed Retreats
The Spiritual Exercises
Masters with a concentration in Spiritual Direction or an 18-credit hour Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction ( with Master's Prerequisites)
Ignatian Spirituality tradtion
Graduate Certificate (with Prerequisites of a BA) in Spiritual Direction and Directed Retreats Creighton University’s Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction and Directed Retreats (SDDR)
MA in Spiritual Direction or a Grad Certificate in Spiritual Direction
Hybrid program
18 Credit Graduate Certificate of Spiritual Direction with Master's Prerequisites
This program is offered online or on campus.
Graduate level with credits or undergraduate credit Certificate of Spiritual Direction with Prerequisites. Ignatian tradition
Graduate level 18-credit, three-year program. Prerequisites hybrid in-person and online.
Benedictine tradition
18-credit Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction with Prerequisites
Dominican Spirituality
Two-Year Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction with Prerequisites and option for Master's credit
The Covenant School of Spiritual Direction
Two-Year Certificate in Spiritual Direction with Prerequisites of completing the Spiritual Exercises and a retreat.On site and vis zoom. Ignatian tradition
Two-Year Spiritual Direction non-credit Certificate Program with Theological Prerequisites
Two-Year Dioscean non-credit Certificate in Spiritual Direction
Offered in complement to the university's certificate in Prayer and Spiritual Direction, the two-year, three-session eligible for continuing education credit through the University of Mary.
Three-Year Intensive Program non-credit Certificate in Spiritual Direction
Franciscan Spirituality
Two -Year Program non-credit Certificate in Spiritual Direction ( Prerequisites: under Spiritual directions and complete the Spiritual Exercise)
General with focus in psychology
Two-Year Program non-credit Certificate in Spiritual Direction ( non-academic Prerequisites under spiritual direction and completing the Spiritual Exercises).
Ignatian Spirituality
Two Year academic prerequisite an undergraduate, or non-credit Certificate in Spiritual Direction.
Two-Year Program non-credit Certificate in Spiritual Direction
Ignatian Spirituality
Two-year non-credit Certificate in Spiritual Direction, prerequisites Avila Inst courses and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. .
Carmelite Spirituality, General
30-Week non-credit Dioscean Certificate in Spiritual Direction
Diocesan program. Jane Guenther, 20 Archbishop May Dr., St. Louis MO 63119 janeguenther@archstl.org 314-792-7734
Spiritual Direction Training Program 2024-2027
Ignatian, General